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Additional information
  • What do you require from your students?
    Only 3 things that everyone has – the commitment to their goal (motivation), willingness to change and commitment to hard work. No unique talents or genius genes are needed.
  • Do you teach students of all levels of ability?
    Yes, I do - from the gifted to the dyscalculics.
  • Do you have any age restrictions?
    No, age is irrelevant. I have worked with a mature gifted 5-year-old and a vital driven 73-year-old. I care only about behaviour and attitude because I am not a nanny, primary school teacher, carer or police.
  • Do you teach people with learning difficulties?
    Yes, I have succesfully taught dozens of people with problems such as dyscalculia, dyslexia, autism and dysgraphia. The only thing that students should be aware of is that additional needs always involve a degree of experimentation to find what genuinely works.
  • Do you teach girls/women?
    Yes, the majority of my students are female (60-70%), and this has always been the case.
  • Can you help me with my career planning/choice of university?
    I certainly do not know everything. However, if you are my student, I will answer all your questions and help you with all aspects of education and/or employment. I might also be able to get you in touch with people who are more qualified than me to help you out.
  • Where do you teach?
    Before the epidemic, I taught more than 95 % of all classes face-to-face and only few online. Currently, the ratio is reversed. Most classes take place over Skype, Zoom or Discord.
  • Are you willing to travel?
    If you live in close proximity and have valid reasons such as disability, I will consider it.
  • How many students do usually have?
    The number varies significantly over the year, but I will generally have between 20 and 100 students at the time (up to 500 in total over a year).
  • Why do you not have simpler pricing?
    Education is highly individual experience that cannot be captured by a single number. I agree on price with each student individually according to their needs and amount of work that is required. Only in this way, everyone can get the best possible deal.
  • What are your credentials? Are you a qualified teacher?
    I am not a qualified teacher. But my credentials are not relevant to the quality of education I provide. All this paperwork just shows I am willing to spend extra time at university and can effectively learn myself, not to teach you. If you feel the need to know more, please incquire and I will share my paperwork with you.
  • How do you teach?
    I do not function as a school, which is the reason why I am not a tutor for everyone. I do not think, decide or plan for my students. I don’t want to control you or expect I know what you want, need or should do. We generally first take a short test to find out where we are. Then, we plan all the next steps together so that you are content and have the support you need to succeed.
  • What is your position on calculators?
    Wrong use of calculators is the reason why most children struggle with maths, and therefore, I do not use them at all in my lessons. I want my students to understand what they do and why they do it, not just press buttons and get the right answer once a while.
  • Do you also do just marking/proofreading?
    Yes, I do. But, do not complete coursework or sit exams for other people. I help students to understand their material, prepare them for exams, explain them what they are being asked to do and check their answers. But no cheating or academic fraud.
  • How do you deal with refunds?
    As I do not take prepayments, clarify all the housekeeping beforehand and get paid weekly, I have never had to issue a refund. If a lesson does not take place, I generally use payments as a credit for next time. If there was a case that would require a refund, I will deal with it on a case by case basis.
  • Do you require your students to buy any books or other resources?
    Never. I know how expensive education is because I pay thousands of pounds for my own each year. I possess more than a hundred books, subscribe to multiple journals and websites and gather resources anywhere I can. I will always supply everything that is required at my own expense.
  • Can you provide me with an invoice for the lessons I paid for?
    I certainly can. Please, just mention this to me and I will provide you with an invoce immediately.
  • Do you do contract work?
    Yes. I regularly assemble courses, record videos, compile tests and worksheets, and mark papers. Please just inquire.
  • Do you work with children that are being homeschooled?
    Yes, I am a fan of homeschooling and I offer full support to the parents who have the courage to take education of their children in their hands.
  • Do you consult dissertations/larger projects?
    Yes, I do. I strongly advise you to first speak to your supervisor as they should be the expert on topic that you are writing about, they know the requrements of your school and they offer the best price (free). However, if you do not get enough support, please get in touch and we can get you over the line.
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 © 2020 Quant Clinic|by Ondrej Becvar

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